Saturday Jan 8, Judge Christopher Neal
Sunday Jan 9, Judge Victoria Jordan
Thursday Jan 20 Judge Monica Cannestrini
Friday Jan 21, Judge Jan Paulk
Saturday Jan 22, Judge Jeanne Zuver
Sunday Jan 23, Judge Eleanor Maitland
Saturday Jan 29, Marianne Brocious
Sunday Jan 30, Del Richards
Santiago Shetland Sheepdog Specialty
Saturday Feb 12, Judge Yvonne Defreites
Karen Coombs Sweeps
Sunday Feb 13, Judge Jaqueline Corwin
Janine Walker Kieth Sweeps
Nor Cal Shetland Sheepdog Club
Saturday Feb 19, Judge Debra Nordby
Shannalee Waller Michalsky Sweeps
Friday March 4, Judge Judge Caswell
Saturday March 5, Judge Donovan thompson
Sunday March 6, Judge Robert Stein
Under Monica Cannestrini BISS Karosel Just Push Play was WD and GCH Karosel After Party was BOS
handled by Robin McTaggart
Under Judge Jan Paulk GCH. Karosel After Party was Select Dog owner handled by Tami Dance
Under Judge Jeanne Zuver GCH Karosel After Party was BOB owner handled by Tami Dance
Under Judge Eleanor Maitland Karosel American Honey was WB/BW/BOB handled by Jennifer McFarlin and Karosel Portrait of Innocence was RWB handled by Elizabeth Patz GCH Karosel After Party was Select Dog handled by Tami Dance
Karosel Sonatina was RWB under Judge Marianne Brocious
Sunset Black Mail was WD/BOS handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Under Karen Coombs Best In Sweeps BISS Karosel Just Push Play. Under Yvonne Defreites RWD went to BISS Karosel Just Push Play and RWB went to Karosel Willow in the Mist all handled by Robin McTaggart
On Sunday Best In Sweeps was Karosel Kardashian owner handled by Elizabeth Patz and WD to Finish was BISS Ch. Karosel Just Push Play handled by Robin McTaggart
Shetland SheepDog Club Of Southern California
Sat. March 26 Judge Linda Tefelsky
Sweeps /judge change Rita Hoffman
Sunday March 27 Judge Helga Kane
Sweeps judge change Janine Blanchard
Ch. Icon Roll the Dice was BOB under Deb Nordby handled by Jennifer McFarlin
April 1,Sacramento Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club Morning
Roderick Thompson (Breed)
April 2, Northern Nevada Shetland Sheepdog Club
Brian Cleveland (Breed)
Susan Ferroni-Keleher (Sweeps)
April 3,Northern Nevada Shetland Sheepdog Club
Carolyn Ing (Breed)
Joyce Woolridge (Sweeps)
Shet Sheepdogs (BITCHES) Mrs. Edna K. (Katie) Gammill
Shet Sheepdogs (DOGS) Ms. Barbara M. Kenealy
Shet Sheepdogs (BEST OF BREED) Joseph P. Molloy
JR SHOW Ms. Barbara M. Kenealy
Sat 05/07/2011 Kimberly Merideth Cavanna
Sun 05/08/2011 Ms Marilyn M Oquilinn
Under Judge Robert Caswell Sunset Black Mail was RWD handled by Jennifer Mcfarlin
Under Judge Donovan Thompson GCH Karosel After Party was BOS owner handled by Tami Dance
Under Judge Robert Stein Sunset Black Mail was WD/BW handled by Jennifer McFarlin, GCh Karosel After Party was BOB Handled by Jade Jimenez. Jade Jimenez was Best Junior Handler
Under Sweeps Judge Rita Hoffman Bearcreek Noir Chevalier was Best In Sweeps and Karosel American Honey was Runner Up
under sweeps judge Janine Blanchard Karosel American Honey was Best In Sweeps
Under Sweeps judge Susan Ferroni-Keleher Sunset Karosel Call of Duty was Best In Sweeps
Under the secpnd days judge Sunset Karosel Call Of Duty was Runner up to Best In Sweeps
Under Mrs Cavanna Bearcreek Noir Chevalier was RWD handled by Jennifer McFarlin and Karosel Willow in the Mist was RWB handled by her owner Dee Dee Sherle
Ch. Icon Roll The Dice was BOS handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Under Ms Oquilinn Ch. Icon Roll the Dice was select bitch
Sat 05/21/11 Kenneth Buxton : Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was RWB handled by Jennifer McFarlin and Ch. Icon Roll The Dice was BOB and Group one under Judge Donna Buxton handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Sun 05/22/11 Marion McPherson : Sunset Black Mail was WD/BW and Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was RWB and Ch Icon Roll The Dice was BOB/group 4 all Handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Bearcreek Noir Chevalier made the cut in the OAOC 9-12 puppy dog class
Daedrean Cowboy Cassanova made the cut in th e OAOC 12-18 puppy dog class
Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon made the cut in the OAOC 12-18 puppy bitch class all handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Under Judge Sulie Greendale Pavesa, Bearcreek Noir Chavalier was RWD, and Ch. Icon Roll The Dice was select bitch
Under Judge Klaus Anselm , Ch. Icon Roll the Dice was select bitch
Under Judge Deborah Anthony, Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was WB. Ch Icon Roll the Dice was BOB and GCH Karosel After Party was BOS
Under Judge Charles Olvis, Sunset Black Mail was RWD . GCH Karosel After Party was BOB and Ch. Icon Roll the Dice was BOS
Sat June 4,Mr. John F Booth
Sun June 5, Mr. Richard Greathouse
Saturday July 9, Mrs Patti Widick Neale
Sunday July 10, Lydia Coleman Hutchinson
07/30/11 (Saturday)
Mr. James R. White
07/31/11 (Sunday)
Mr. Joe Tacker
Friday June 10 Dr. John Reeve-Newson
under John F Booth Our Smooth Collie Kimberee O'lorimar passionate Kisses was BOB. In Shelties Sunset Comic Strip was RWd and Daedream Dazzling Blue Blue Moon was RWB.
Under Richard Greathouse Sunset Comic Strip was WD and Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was WB/BW/BOS all handled by Jennifer McFarlin
under judge Carl Liepmann Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was WB for a 3 point major and Sunset Blackmail was WD/BOW for a 3 point major Ch Icon Roll the Dice was select bitch all handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Undr John Reeve-Newson Ch. Icon Roll the Dice was select bitch
July 2, 2011 Mr. John T. Connolly
WD was Sunset Karosel Call Of Duty WB/BW/BOS was Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon
July 3, 2011, Mrs. Stephanie S. Hedgepath
RWD was Bearcreek Noir Chevalier WB was Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon all handled by Jennifer Mcfarlin
Under Lydia Coleman Hutchinson Bearcreek Noir Chevalier took a major reserve handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Southbay Kennel Club
Torrance CA
Aug 13, 2011 Ms. Peri D. Norman
Aug 14, 2011 Mr. Rick Gschwender
Aug 26, 2011 Mr. Carl J. Anderson
Sunset Black Mail was WD
Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was WB/BW all handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Aug 27, 2011 Mrs. Sharon Newcomb
Sunset Black Mail was WD/BW/BOB
Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was RWB all handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Aug 28, 2011 Mr. Darren Bowey
Bearcreek Noir Chevalier was WD/BW and Karosel American Honey was WB/BOS and Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was RWB all handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Aug 29, 2011 Mr. Mauro Anselmo Alves
Sunset Black Mail was WD and Daedream Dazzling Blue Moon was WB/BW all handled by Jennifer McFarlin Ch. Karose Just Push Play was BOB handled by Tamara Dance and Sea Haven Starscape was BOS handled by Robin McTaggart
Under Mr JR White Sunset Black Mail was RWD and GCH Icon Roll the Dice was BOB
Under Judge Mr. Tacker Sunset Black Mail was RWD and GCH Icon Roll The Dice was BOB
Sept. 23 2011 Mr. Merle Taylor
Karosel Kissable was WB/BW handled by Jennifer McFarlin and
Sea Haven Karosel Starscape was BOB/G3 handled by Robin McTaggart
Sept 24 2011 Miss Doris H. Miller
Karosel Kisses in the Moonlight was WB and Sea Haven Karosel Starscape was BOB
Both handled by Robin McTaggart
Oct. 1 2011 Mr. Carl Liepman
Sunset Black Mail was RWD and
Karosel Kisses In the Moonlight was WB Handled by Jennifer McFarlin. Karosel Kissable was RWB handled by Jade Jimenez and Sea Haven Karosel Starscape was BOB handled by Robin McTaggart. Karosel After Party was BOS handled by Tamara Dance
Oct. 2 2011 Mrs. Ann F. Yuhasz
Sunset Black Mail was RWD and Karosel Kisses In The Moonlight was WB/BW handled by Jennifer McFarlin and Karosel Kissable was RWB handled by Jade Jimenez. Sea Haven Karoesl Starscape was BOB handled by Robin McTaggart and Karosel Just Push Play was select dog handled by Tamara Dance. Karosel Confetti was Select Bitch handled by Elizabeth Patz
San Diego Shetland Sheepdog Specialty
October 8 Morning Mrs. Marcia Bittner
Daedream Cowboy Cassanova was WD/BW for a major and Karosel Kissable was WB/BOS for a major handled by Jennifer McFarlin.
Sweeps Linda Griffith
Karosel Kiss and Tell was Best in Sweeps handled by Robin McTaggart
October 8 Afternoon Miss. Yvonne Samuelson
Daedream Cowboy Cassanova was RWD and Karosel Kissable was RWB handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Nor Cal Shetland Sheepdog Specialty
Couldnt go to the show :(
Beth Speich: :(
Chris Wackiweiz Daedream Cowboy Cassanova was WD for a major and Karosel Kisses in The Moonlight was a RWB handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Monica Canestrini Sunset Black Mail won a 5pt specialty reserve handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Liz Bianchi Daedream Cowboy Cassanova was WD for his third major (he needs a single point to finish) Handled by Jemnnifer McFarlin
San Gabriel and Antelop Valey Kennel Club November 5th and 6th
Carolyn Herbel Daedream Cowboy Casanova was WD/BOS to finish his championship! Karosel Kisses in the Moonlight was WB/BW/BOB
Patricia Ulloa Karosel Kisses in the Moonlight was WB/BW/BOS
Tri Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club
Peggy Haderli Sunset Black Mail was WD for a four point major handled by Jennifer Mcfarlin
Vickie Knowles Bearcreek Noir Chevalier was Best In Sweeps handled by Robin McTaggart co owned with Cheryl Kessler
Cheryl Anderson Sunset Black Mail and Karosel Kisses in the moonlight both took a four point Major Reserves both handled by Jennifer McFarlin
Timothy Doxtater Karosel Kissable was WB/BW handled by Jade Jimenez
Karosel Sonatina was RWB handled by Jennifer McFarlin ,Karosel Confetti was select Bitch handled by Robin McTaggart
Sandy Wheat Sunset Black Mail was WD to finish his championship handled by Jennifer McFarlin and Karosel Willow in the Mist was WB/ BW/BOB